I am a hunter. I hunt down beauty, taste, textures. I grab my Cannon and zoom in close, figure out the angle. Focus in on the dripping, the steaming, the bubbling. Hunt down the colors. Oh, but my camera is not the only weapon I use to catch the wild and elusive beauty in a moment. The tongue is a great tool, as are the eyes. The vibrant colors, the silky textures, the tangy bite at the end. Those deep and rich notes marrying with acidic and explosive. Indeed, I enjoy the hunt.
I enjoy creating. That part of me that God designed in His Image. If creating these edible art forms gives me such pleasure, how much pleasure did (does) God take in all of His creations. And He never has flops!
Ever since I started THM I have been finding so many recipes to explore and create; to design with my own personal fingerprints. I am honored to share with you today some of my latest adventures
You've already been previewing pictures of
Sugar Free Lemon Curd, and while I do admit to touching up the pictures some to make them jump off the page a little more, it truly was a beautiful yellow color, akin to sunshine in a jar.
We buy farm fresh eggs from a neighbor and the yolks are a beautiful deep golden, almost ochre. Just one of the reasons I love living in the country. Can I share with you one of my dream ambitions? Okay, lean in a little closer. ...... I really,
(no I mean like seriously) want to keep a flock of my OWN chickens one day. There is something about hearing the clucking, the downy feathers fluffed up in the breeze, gathering the eggs, still warm, into cupped hands.
Ah, but I digress. Whether you have your own homegrown eggs or buy them from the store, you'll need plenty of Omega rich yolks. The color of your yolks will determine the color of the finished product.

Just in case you need another enticement to make this delightful dessert, it has a superb tart and refreshing flavor. Perfect to savor as you sit on the front porch listening to the birds chatter excitedly about the new life bursting forth all about, a mild Spring breeze blowing through your hair. Perfection. Yes, almost.
This recipe can be whipped up in a snap and is a great way to use up any leftover egg yolks you have when only whites are required. Or if you don't want to wait to accumulate some yolks, just separate the eggs and keep the whites in the fridge for a recipe that calls for only whites. Easy and saves time later on.

Well, I guess it's time to confess. About my flop that is. I love lemon. Have you come to that conclusion yet? I really enjoy sweet and decadent desserts but I have always been a fan for changing it up with a bite of tart here and there. Lemon is my favorite way to get that tart fix. So not long ago I thought I would tweak a Lemon Bar recipe. Let's say the results were edible but less successful that I had hoped. We wouldn't be trying that again. The crust was magnificent, the filling...oh you mean, there is supposed to be a silky layer over the shortbread? Ah yes! Somehow I ended up with a skin dotted with un-dissolved xantham gum, then a runny yellow substance much like an egg yolk texture and delightfully tart and lemony almond crust with a major crumbling issue. This recipe couldn't be the best there was! Yet, out of that flop I found a great crust recipe or shortbread cookie, whatever use you needed at the time.
I happened to be making cheesecakes on this same marvelous baking day and had some extra almond shortbread mixture left over so I baked it into bars. I thought it might go well with my lemon curd. Oh boy! While the lemon curd is much more rich than a normal lemon bar filling the textures and flavors were almost exactly what I wanted.
You can find the recipe to these delicious crumb beauties here:
I did note when I was making them that using store bought almond flour yields the best results. If you want to use your own almond flour
(I experimented with [image that!] homemade ground almonds into flour and it is much more oily in my experience) I would cut down quite a bit on the butter but that's where this recipe becomes your own playground! :) Also, I made these once with the lemon zest and I liked that the best for sure for the pure and pungent flavor, but lemon extract maybe substituted if need be.

You really need to try both of these recipes. Either together or separately. Honestly, they don't take long. Whip them up during nap time and eat them for dessert that night. Or better yet set your daughter to it! :) Prepare yourself for the adventure of beauty and yummy. Your senses are in for a wild ride! Enjoy!